General Rules - Games

Gaming Intranet - Partynet

  • There is a section called Partynet within the party intranet, which is the gaming website/intranet during the event.
  • All users must make proper use of the Partynet site.
  • If any malicious activity is detected, the user may face expulsion from the event.
  • The information on Partynet will be constantly updated, and its content will prevail over content on
  • If you have signed up for a competition, don't forget to periodically visit Partynet to check the status of the competition, news, notices, etc.


  • To sign up for a competition:
    • You must be at the party and have your computer connected to the LAN.
    • You must access the intranet ( through a Web browser, using the same login details that you used to sign up for the party.
    • Once authenticated, you will have access to Partynet, including the competition list and the option to sign up for them.
    • The registration must be made within the period established in Partynet.
    • It is not allowed to register for a tournament from another user's account, being a reason for disqualification.
  • You must only sign up for competitions in which you actually want to compete and for which you have the time to do so. If you sign up for several competitions and then do not show up or participate, you will be penalized.
  • If you're signing up as a team, all the team members must register themselves on the intranet individually. Once registered, the team captain will be in charge of signing up for the competition and adding the rest of the team members.
  • GameGune players are not allowed to compete in Partynet competitions.

General competition rules

  • Each competition may have a specific set of rules that complement the general rules.
  • In case of similar or conflicting rules, the specific competition rules always prevail over the general rules.
  • Scheduling and information
    • All information about the competitions will be published and updated on Partynet.
    • Please be on time. Competition schedules to be followed will be published.
  • Matches
    • You must locate your opponent to play a match.
    • A match must not be delayed more than 15 minutes after the scheduled starting time.
      • If your opponent has not showed up during those 15 minutes, you must contact the competition organizer, who will determine what action to take. Usually, this will result in the disqualification of the late player. During the wait time, you must remain on the game server or location.
      • If both opponents/teams are late, the team who proceeds to the next round will be determined via a random draw.
    • Every team will have 30 minutes after each match round to submit the result through Partynet. After this period of time the result will be deemed invalid and the competition will continue.
    • If the results have not been entered after the 30 minute period, the players for that round will be disqualified and, if necessary, a random draw will occur to continue with the competition.
    • If you voluntarily leave a match, you will be considered to forfeit and thus lose it.
    • The games that are played in the arenas or on the consoles provided by the organization, may be viewed by other players.
  • Disconnection during a match
    • If a player disconnects during a match: please consult the specific competition rules, or ask the competition organizer.
  • Results
    • The results must be submitted via Partynet.
  • Match control
    • Demos
      If the game allows it, all players must record a demo/recording of the match.
    • Screenshots
      All players must take a screenshot at the start of the match, with the player information and list, and another screenshot at the end of the match with the results. The screenshots must show the entire screen and not be cropped.
    • These demos and screenshots may be requested by the organizers.
    • Any organizer may request and check any player's configuration.
  • Substitutions
    • For teams
      • Substitutions may not be performed during a match, except for the following exceptions: Hardware problem or force majeure. If that were the case, the match will be paused (if the game allows it) and the players must consult the organizers. If the game does not allow pausing, the game will continue while players refrain from touching any button or control while the player involved consults with the organizers. The organization will grant the request to substitute the player during the match, as long as the replacement player is already registered as part of the team.
    • For single-player competitions
      • No substitutions are allowed during the entire tournament.
  • Game configuration
    • The default settings and skins will be used, although players may alter their input settings and other settings allowed by the competition.
    • The use of cheats, bugs, exploits, or scripts not explicitly allowed by the specific competition rules is strictly forbidden.
  • Behavior
    • Respect and play fairly.
    • Please keep your place clean.
    • Make proper use of the competition material.
    • Speakers, megaphones, vuvuzelas, etc. are forbidden
    • If the match has taken place on a server or console provided by the organizers, once it is over, you must leave. If you join during a match or bother the other players, you will be penalized.
    • Only team captains may use public chat. In the case of solo competitions, all players may use public chat.
  • Contacting the organization
    • Any player in individual games may contact the organizers
    • Only the team captain may contact the organizers in team-based games.
    • In case of doubt, dispute, protest, etc. you must first contact with the organizer responsible for the competition.
    • In exceptional cases or if no agreement can be reached with the competition organizer, you may contact the Gaming area coordinator, Slipy.
    • If the complaint is about a match, you must wait until the match is over.
    • If a team complains without apparent reason or presents false evidence or accusations, it will be penalized.
    • Remember, regardless of the circumstances, you must be calm when contacting the organizer.
  • Remember, we are all participants in the party, and we use the PA system and videowall, so we ask for your understanding regarding noise while matches are being played. We will not be lowering the PA volume or delaying any activity.
  • The violation of any rule may incur a penalty, the expulsion of the entire team from the competition, or even from the entire party in severe instances.
  • The organizers reserve the right to alter the rules without prior notice with the intent to update the rules, maps, schedule, or behavior of the competitions. Notice will be posted on Partynet.
  • The competition organizer's decision, or the area coordinator's, shall always prevail over the rules, both general and specific.


  • Prizes:
    • Competitions must have a minimum number of participants to be eligible for the prize. The organization will determine the minimum number of participants.
  • Cash prizes:
    • The cash prizes shall be subject to the relevant tax withholdings in accordance with the current Legislation and, in turn, any indirect tax that, where appropriate, may be applicable shall be included in its amount.
    • They shall be paid by bank transfer. The payment details must be emailed to the  event organisers within the set period.
  • Voucher prizes:
    • The code for the value of the prize will be delivered, which can be redeemed when ordering in physical store.
  • Software or Hardware prizes:
    • The winners must collect the prizes in person during the prize giving ceremony. However, the prize can be collected at the ceremony by the person that the winner appoints before hand, in writing and attaching the ID of the winner. No software or hardware prize can be collected outside the prize giving ceremony.

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